Tooth extraction, placement of implant or other surgical manipulations in oral cavity can make daily activities inconvenient for a while. We offer you some advice to make this period more comfortable.
Pain medication
Even when the local anaesthesia is still working, 30 minutes after surgery, take some pain medication (paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc.) according to the dosage and frequency your doctor has suggested. It is not recommended to take these medications on an empty stomach, because it can promote inflammation in mucosa.
If doctor has prescribed antibacterial medications, start to take them on the day when manipulation is performed. To prevent the inflammation of stomach, use the medication right after the meal, and finish the whole treatment course.
In the surgical site there can be swelling and haematomas for two to five days after surgery. To reduce the swelling and haematomas, you can use a bag with ice or frozen vegetables from freezer covered with a towel on the swollen tissue. Hold this bag there for a 20 minutes, repeating each 2 hours. Swelling also can be reduced if you sleep with elevated bed head (for example, use high pillows under your head and back).
Trouble moving the jaw
Few days after surgery you can notice trouble to open your mouth – decreased movements of the jaw and pain in the mandibular joint. It is not recommended to force jaw moments to “train” joint – it only increases pain and slows healing. For a week after surgery, eat soft foods (porridges, soups, mashes).
Sensitive teeth
Sometimes after the surgery, increased sensitivity of enamel persists for few days. Use special toothpaste and mouthwash for sensitive teeth to relieve this unpleasant symptom.
Careful dental hygiene is very important during postoperative period. Brush your teeth carefully using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Avoid direct actions on the surgical site, but each day try to get closer to it. Use antiseptic solutions or saltwater (one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water), rinse oral cavity three times a day for five days after surgery. Do it carefully, avoid removing blood clots which have formed on the scars.
Three to four days after surgery you need to remove stiches to avoid the food accumulation and infection. Most surgeons use absorbable sutures, yet it’s still worth visiting your dentist to remove stiches completely and check healing. Find out from your doctor when you have to schedule your next appointment.
Small amount of blood in saliva for a few days after surgery is normal. However, intensive bleeding from the surgical site must be stopped using a damp cotton swab by pressing it to the bleeding spot for 10 minutes.
Eat only soft foods while freezing still works, but after placement of implant, eat soft foods for two weeks. Try to avoid chewing with that side of jaw where surgery was performed.
Physical load and sports
It is suggested to avoid intense physical load for a few days. If you train regularly and professionally, discuss before surgery with your doctor when you can resume intense physical activities.
Additional recommendations
- Do not touch the wound with tongue, fingers or other things, that could harm tissue.
- Avoid dairy products for three days after surgery, because they contain bacteria which slow healing.
- Try to avoid intense nose blowing in case of severe swelling as it could cause blood influx to the surgical site, which slows down the healing process.